Oncology Drug Costs

An analysis of the cost of oncology drugs by differing factors.


data1 <- readxl::read_xlsx("import.xlsx", sheet = 1) |> 

data_cat <- data1 |> 
  rename(cost = averagespendingperbeneficiary) |> 
  rename(tumortype = organsystem, 
         tumortype_sub = organsystemgroup, 
         tumortype_cat = organsystemgroup2) |> 
  select(-lineoftherapy) |> 
  select(cost, year, tumortype, tumortype_sub, tumortype_cat, os, pfs, top20pharmacompany, firstinclass:acceleratedgroup, biomarker:mono)  |> 
  mutate(cost = as.numeric(cost)) |> 
  cbind(select(data1, lineoftherapy))

Table: Average cost per patient

Uses the average-spending-per-beneficiary as the outcome variable. Medians (IQR) for each variable/group. The N is the number of drug approval

levels_list <- lapply(c("tumortype","tumortype_sub","tumortype_cat"), function(x) {
  data_cat |> 
  summarise(median = median(cost, na.rm = T), .by = x) |> 

names(levels_list) <- c("tumortype","tumortype_sub","tumortype_cat")

 cat_meds <- data_cat |> 
  mutate(tumortype = factor(tumortype, levels = levels_list$tumortype$tumortype), 
         tumortype_sub = factor(tumortype_sub, levels = levels_list$tumortype_sub$tumortype_sub), 
         tumortype_cat = factor(tumortype_cat, levels = levels_list$tumortype_cat$tumortype_cat), 
         across(os:mono, ~ ifelse(.x == "1", "Yes", "No")), 
        across(os:mono, ~ factor(.x, levels = c("Yes", "No")) ))  |> 
  tbl_continuous(variable = cost, 
                 label = list(year ~ "Approval year", 
                              tumortype ~ "Tumor type", 
                              tumortype_sub ~ "Body system, granular", 
                              tumortype_cat ~ "Body system", 
                              os ~ "OS endpoint", 
                              pfs ~ "PFS endpoint",
                              top20pharmacompany ~ "Top 20 pharmaceutical company", 
                              firstinclass ~ "First in class", 
                              orphan ~ "Orphan drug designation", 
                              fasttrack ~ "Fast tracked", 
                              breakthrough ~ "Breakthrough drug designation", 
                              priority ~ "Priority", 
                              acceleratedapproval ~ "Accelerated approval", 
                              acceleratedgroup ~ "Accelerated group", 
                               biomarker ~ "Biomarker",
                              boxedwarning ~ "Boxed warning", 
                              lineoftherapy ~ "Line of therapy", 
                              blinded ~ "Blinded trial", 
                              randomized ~ "Randomized trial", 
                              mono ~ "Monotherapy"
                 statistic = everything() ~ "${median} (${p25}-${p75})")  |> 
  add_p() |> 

cat_sum <- data_cat |> 
  mutate(tumortype = factor(tumortype, levels = levels_list$tumortype$tumortype), 
         tumortype_sub = factor(tumortype_sub, levels = levels_list$tumortype_sub$tumortype_sub), 
         tumortype_cat = factor(tumortype_cat, levels = levels_list$tumortype_cat$tumortype_cat), 
         across(os:mono, ~ ifelse(.x == "1", "Yes", "No")), 
        across(os:mono, ~ factor(.x, levels = c("Yes", "No")) )
        )  |> 
  select(-cost) |> 
  tbl_summary(label = list(year ~ "Approval year", 
                              tumortype ~ "Tumor type", 
                              tumortype_sub ~ "Body system, granular", 
                              tumortype_cat ~ "Body system", 
                              os ~ "OS endpoint", 
                              pfs ~ "PFS endpoint",
                              top20pharmacompany ~ "Top 20 pharmaceutical company", 
                              firstinclass ~ "First in class", 
                              orphan ~ "Orphan drug designation", 
                              fasttrack ~ "Fast tracked", 
                              breakthrough ~ "Breakthrough drug designation", 
                              priority ~ "Priority", 
                              acceleratedapproval ~ "Accelerated approval", 
                              acceleratedgroup ~ "Accelerated group", 
                              biomarker ~ "Biomarker",
                              boxedwarning ~ "Boxed warning", 
                              lineoftherapy ~ "Line of therapy", 
                              blinded ~ "Blinded trial", 
                              randomized ~ "Randomized trial", 
                              mono ~ "Monotherapy"
              type = list(
                everything() ~ "categorical"

 tbl_merge(list(cat_meds, cat_sum), tab_spanner = c("**Median (IQR)**", "**N (%)**"))
Characteristic Median (IQR) N (%)
N = 1131 p-value2 N = 1133
Approval year
    2012 $37,169 ($30,956-$39,792)
11 (9.7%)
    2013 $39,798 ($33,882-$51,569)
8 (7.1%)
    2014 $48,193 ($44,937-$54,728)
8 (7.1%)
    2015 $62,759 ($40,951-$78,222)
14 (12%)
    2016 $74,356 ($61,765-$86,605)
4 (3.5%)
    2017 $119,437 ($103,920-$140,641)
12 (11%)
    2018 $132,501 ($95,225-$183,374)
16 (14%)
    2019 $121,308 ($95,919-$136,871)
10 (8.8%)
    2020 $153,939 ($49,957-$199,844)
16 (14%)
    2021 $98,488 ($84,904-$118,848)
14 (12%)
Tumor type
    BPDCN $538,949 ($538,949-$538,949)
1 (0.9%)
    GIST $269,083 ($260,857-$277,310)
2 (1.8%)
    Rare $203,674 ($201,296-$206,051)
4 (3.5%)
    AML $179,567 ($128,140-$224,287)
5 (4.4%)
    Cholangiocarcinoma $158,394 ($134,243-$182,546)
2 (1.8%)
    ALL $140,447 ($140,447-$140,447)
3 (2.7%)
    Lung $140,306 ($78,483-$167,561)
17 (15%)
    symptomatic tenosynovial giant cell tumor $129,069 ($129,069-$129,069)
1 (0.9%)
    RCC $118,848 ($80,262-$133,305)
3 (2.7%)
    Ovarian $98,855 ($74,545-$109,146)
3 (2.7%)
    Lymphoma $97,576 ($57,653-$109,610)
11 (9.7%)
    Breast $86,129 ($54,984-$116,876)
12 (11%)
    Prostate $85,205 ($33,869-$136,679)
5 (4.4%)
    CLL $74,356 ($49,622-$102,260)
3 (2.7%)
    Bladder $71,568 ($50,074-$100,169)
4 (3.5%)
    cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma $63,668 ($63,668-$63,668)
1 (0.9%)
    Merkel $61,778 ($61,778-$61,778)
1 (0.9%)
    Thyroid $53,098 ($45,134-$61,063)
2 (1.8%)
    Multiple Myeloma $52,690 ($39,414-$62,057)
10 (8.8%)
    Leukemia $52,338 ($52,338-$52,338)
1 (0.9%)
    Melanoma $45,871 ($42,438-$71,503)
7 (6.2%)
    CML $45,692 ($41,683-$50,514)
4 (3.5%)
    Gastric $35,980 ($35,980-$35,980)
1 (0.9%)
    Basal Cell Carcinoma $29,175 ($26,120-$32,230)
2 (1.8%)
    Colorectal $27,629 ($20,397-$49,160)
3 (2.7%)
    STS $NA ($NA-$NA)
2 (1.8%)
    Pancreatic $NA ($NA-$NA)
1 (0.9%)
    Endometrial $NA ($NA-$NA)
1 (0.9%)
    Cervical $NA ($NA-$NA)
1 (0.9%)
Body system, granular
    blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm $538,949 ($538,949-$538,949)
1 (0.9%)
    GIST $269,083 ($260,857-$277,310)
2 (1.8%)
    neurofibromatosis type 1 $208,429 ($208,429-$208,429)
1 (0.9%)
    neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK) gene fusion $198,919 ($198,919-$198,919)
1 (0.9%)
    cholangiocarcinoma $158,394 ($134,243-$182,546)
2 (1.8%)
    Lung $140,306 ($78,483-$167,561)
17 (15%)
    tenosynovial giant cell tumor $129,069 ($129,069-$129,069)
1 (0.9%)
    Renal $118,848 ($80,262-$133,305)
3 (2.7%)
    Gynecologic $98,855 ($74,545-$109,146)
5 (4.4%)
    Lymphoma $97,576 ($57,653-$109,610)
11 (9.7%)
    Breast $86,129 ($54,984-$116,876)
12 (11%)
    Prostate $85,205 ($33,869-$136,679)
5 (4.4%)
    Leukemia $79,985 ($48,510-$137,876)
16 (14%)
    Bladder $71,568 ($50,074-$100,169)
4 (3.5%)
    Thyroid $53,098 ($45,134-$61,063)
2 (1.8%)
    Multiple Myeloma $52,690 ($39,414-$62,057)
10 (8.8%)
    Skin $45,871 ($37,542-$62,723)
11 (9.7%)
    Gastric $35,980 ($35,980-$35,980)
1 (0.9%)
    CRC $27,629 ($20,397-$49,160)
3 (2.7%)
    PEDS Neuroblastoma $NA ($NA-$NA)
2 (1.8%)
    Soft Tissue Sarcomas $NA ($NA-$NA)
2 (1.8%)
    Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors $NA ($NA-$NA)
1 (0.9%)
Body system
    Rare $207,563 ($181,457-$260,857)
13 (12%)
    Solid $69,789 ($43,377-$130,866)
63 (56%)
    Blood $60,352 ($47,234-$120,228)
37 (33%)
OS endpoint
    Yes $57,653 ($37,908-$132,501)
37 (33%)
    No $97,576 ($49,705-$135,584)
76 (67%)
PFS endpoint
    Yes $64,365 ($44,003-$120,228)
62 (55%)
    No $105,392 ($51,848-$148,717)
51 (45%)
Top 20 pharmaceutical company
    Yes $69,027 ($47,234-$137,116)
73 (65%)
    No $95,636 ($45,573-$129,617)
40 (35%)
First in class
    Yes $72,072 ($50,516-$128,837)
38 (34%)
    No $85,260 ($45,298-$138,882)
75 (66%)
Orphan drug designation
    Yes $94,814 ($47,714-$142,165)
80 (71%)
    No $63,668 ($37,908-$112,758)
33 (29%)
Fast tracked
    Yes $98,488 ($59,220-$134,051)
42 (37%)
    No $63,668 ($37,570-$133,174)
71 (63%)
Breakthrough drug designation
    Yes $97,576 ($60,352-$169,585)
41 (36%)
    No $55,134 ($37,570-$124,184)
72 (64%)
    Yes $97,576 ($50,305-$138,294)
93 (82%)
    No $45,961 ($34,284-$94,814)
20 (18%)
Accelerated approval
    Yes $95,169 ($54,015-$140,738)
54 (48%)
    No $66,347 ($42,257-$128,837)
59 (52%)
Accelerated group
    Yes $89,188 ($48,929-$137,705)
100 (88%)
    No $46,597 ($41,206-$95,019)
13 (12%)
    Yes $103,920 ($49,970-$161,351)
53 (47%)
    No $59,747 ($43,421-$118,995)
60 (53%)
Boxed warning
    Yes $52,916 ($29,991-$118,848)
33 (29%)
    No $98,488 ($50,305-$140,153)
80 (71%)
Blinded trial
    Yes $84,773 ($42,295-$129,927)
30 (27%)
    No $79,630 ($47,812-$137,949)
83 (73%)
Randomized trial
    Yes $62,759 ($43,421-$128,372)
74 (65%)
    No $109,850 ($56,516-$181,155)
39 (35%)
    Yes $69,789 ($47,619-$140,641)
61 (54%)
    No $94,814 ($45,961-$129,231)
52 (46%)
Line of therapy
    1 $94,814 ($39,798-$149,213)
41 (36%)
    2 $98,855 ($50,374-$139,471)
53 (47%)
    3 $51,358 ($39,143-$65,070)
16 (14%)
    4 $285,536 ($285,536-$285,536)
1 (0.9%)
    5 $36,943 ($28,956-$44,930)
2 (1.8%)
1 cost: $Median ($25%-$75%)
2 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test; Wilcoxon rank sum test
3 n (%)

Figure: Average cost per patient

This is the same as the above table but only for binary variables and as a figure

data_plot1 <- data_cat |> 
  mutate(tumortype = factor(tumortype, levels = levels_list$tumortype$tumortype), 
         tumortype_sub = factor(tumortype_sub, levels = levels_list$tumortype_sub$tumortype_sub), 
         tumortype_cat = factor(tumortype_cat, levels = levels_list$tumortype_cat$tumortype_cat), 
         across(os:mono, ~ ifelse(.x == "1", "Yes", "No")), 
        across(os:mono, ~ factor(.x, levels = c( "No", "Yes")) )

df_varNames <- cat_sum$table_body |> 
  select(variable, var_label) |> 
  distinct() |> 
   filter(!(variable %in% c("tumortype", "tumortype_sub" ))) |>
  mutate(var_label = gsub("\\s", "\n", var_label), 
         var_label = gsub("Top\n20", "Top 20", var_label),
         var_label = gsub("\nof", " of", var_label))


plot1_facetLevs <- data_plot1 |> 
    pivot_longer(cols = c(tumortype, tumortype_sub, tumortype_cat, os, pfs, top20pharmacompany, firstinclass:acceleratedgroup, biomarker:mono), 
                 names_to = "var", 
                 values_to = "label") |> 
  filter(!(var %in% c("tumortype", "tumortype_sub" ))) |> 
  summarize(median = median(cost, na.rm = T), .by = c(var, label)) |> 
  mutate(diff = abs(median - lag(median)), .by = var, 
         n = n()) |> 
  # filter(n == 2 & !is.na(diff)) |> 
  filter(!is.na(diff)) |> 
   arrange(-diff) |> 
  distinct(var, .keep_all = T) |> 
  mutate(rank = row_number(), 
         rank = ifelse(var == "year", 999, rank)) |> 
  arrange(rank) |> 

  data_plot1 |> 
    pivot_longer(cols = c(tumortype, tumortype_sub, tumortype_cat, os, pfs, top20pharmacompany, firstinclass:acceleratedgroup, biomarker:mono), 
                 names_to = "var", 
                 values_to = "label") |> 
  mutate(label_full = paste0(var, "_", label)) |> 
  filter(!(var %in% c("tumortype", "tumortype_sub", "year"))) |>
  mutate(var = factor(var, levels = plot1_facetLevs$var)) |> 
  # filter(var %in% c("year", "top20pharmacompany")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = cost, y = label, color = var)) +
  facet_wrap(~ var, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y", 
             strip.position = "left" , labeller = labeller(var = setNames(unlist(df_varNames$var_label), unique(df_varNames$variable)))) + 
  geom_boxplot(fill = NA, outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, position = position_jitter(height = 0.15) ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_dollar(scale = .001, suffix = "K"), position = "top") +
  labs(x = "Average spending per beneficiary") +
  theme_minimal() +
    theme(strip.placement = "outside", 
          strip.text = element_text(face = "bold"),
          panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "none",
          axis.title.y = element_blank())

data_cont <- data1 |> 
  rename(cost = averagespendingperbeneficiary) |> 
  select(cost, oshr, pfshr, orr, cr, subjects, age, male, white, incidence, mortality,
         orrincremental, pfsincremental, osincremental)  |> 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.numeric))

pearson_list <- lapply(names(data_cont)[-1], function(x) {
  cor.test(data_cont$cost, data_cont[[x]], method = 'pearson')

names(pearson_list) <- names(data_cont)[-1]

pearson_list$oshr_clean <- data1 |> 
  rename(cost = averagespendingperbeneficiary) |> 
  select(cost, os, oshr) |> 
  filter(os == 1) |> 
  mutate(cost = as.numeric(cost), 
         oshr = as.numeric(oshr)) |>  
  filter(!is.na(cost)) %>% 
  do(mod = cor.test(.$cost, .$oshr, method = "pearson")) |> 
   pull(mod) |> 

pearson_list$pfshr_clean <- data1 |> 
  rename(cost = averagespendingperbeneficiary) |> 
  select(cost, pfs, pfshr) |> 
  filter(pfs == 1) |> 
  mutate(cost = as.numeric(cost), 
         pfshr = as.numeric(pfshr)) |>  
  filter(!is.na(cost)) %>% 
  do(mod = cor.test(.$cost, .$pfshr, method = "pearson")) |> 
   pull(mod) |> 

cost_correlations <- bind_rows(lapply(pearson_list, broom::tidy), .id = "variable") |> 
  rename(degreesF = parameter, 
         Tstatistic = statistic)

Cost correlations

Bolded indicated that the p-value is < 0.05.

back_color <- tibble(xmin = c(0, 0.3, 0.5), 
       xmax = c(0.3, 0.5, 1), 
       shade = c("#D9725B", "#D93636", "#A62934"), 
       dir = -1)  |> 
bind_rows(tibble(xmin = c(0, 0.3, 0.5), 
       xmax = c(0.3, 0.5, 1), 
       shade = c("#8FC1B5", "#007566", "#265C4B"),
       dir = 1) ) |> 
  mutate(xmin = xmin * dir, 
         xmax = xmax *dir, 
         ymin = -1, 
         ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1)  

plot2_ylabs <- c("oshr" = "All OS, HR", 
  "pfshr" = "All PFS, HR", 
  "orr" = "ORR, %", 
  "cr" = "Complete response, %", 
  "subjects" = "# of subjects", 
  "age" = "Average (???) age", 
  "male" = "Male, %", 
  "white" = "White, %", 
  "incidence" = "Incidence, N", 
  "mortality" = "Mortality, N",
  "pfshr_clean" = "PFS endpoint, HR",
  "oshr_clean" = "OS endpoint, HR", 
   "orrincremental" = "Delta ORR", 
  "pfsincremental" = "Delta PFS", 
  "osincremental" = "Delta OS"

back_alp = 0.03

cost_correlations |> 
  mutate(sign = ifelse(p.value <= 0.05, "sign", "notsign")) |> 
  mutate(variable = fct_reorder(factor(variable), -estimate)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(y = variable, x = estimate)) +
  geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[1], xmax = back_color$xmax[1], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[1], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[1], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
  geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[2], xmax = back_color$xmax[2], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[2], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[2], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
  geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[3], xmax = back_color$xmax[3], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[3], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[3], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
  geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[4], xmax = back_color$xmax[4], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[4], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[4], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
    geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[5], xmax = back_color$xmax[5], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[5], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[5], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
    geom_rect(xmin = back_color$xmin[6], xmax = back_color$xmax[6], 
            ymin = back_color$ymin[6], ymax = nrow(cost_correlations)+1, 
            fill = back_color$shade[6], 
            alpha = back_alp) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high, color = sign), linewidth = 2) +
  geom_point(fill = "white", shape = 21, size = 4) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1,1), 
                     expand = expansion(add = c(0,0)),
                     position = "top") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = plot2_ylabs,
                   #expand = expansion(add = c(2, 1))
                   ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("sign" = "black", 
                                "nonsign" = "grey")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
  labs(x = "Pearson's product-moment correlation") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

corr_matrix <- cor(data_cont, use = "complete.obs")
cor_matrix2 <- Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(data_cont),  type = "pearson")

cor_matrix2_all <- Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(data_cont),  type = "pearson")

# cor_matrix2[[1]]["oshr","cost"]

bad_pval <- reshape2::melt(cor_matrix2[[3]]) |> 
  filter(value >= 0.05)

for (i in 1:nrow(bad_pval)) {
  var1 <- as.character(bad_pval$Var1[i])
  var2 <- as.character(bad_pval$Var2[i])
  cor_matrix2[[1]][var1, var2] <- 0

Significant correlation (p < 0.05)

Not very useful, but this maps all pearson correlations for all the continuous variables w/ significant p values

#This is includes incomplete cases, but only significant pvalues
corrplot::corrplot(cor_matrix2[[1]], type = "upper", #order = "hclust", 
         tl.col = "black", tl.srt = 45)

All correlations

Same but all correlations, regardless of p-values

#This includes incomplete cases, regardless of p.values
  corrplot::corrplot(cor_matrix2_all[[1]], type = "upper", #order = "hclust", 
         tl.col = "black", tl.srt = 45)